
A Marketer’s Guide to Evaluating Personalization Technology

With more personalization technology vendors to choose from than ever before, marketers may be tempted to tack on personalization tech to their ESP or marketing hub. But personalization is not something you simply bolt on to your existing messaging strategy – it should be built into your martech platform so that it runs through the veins of every campaign and channel where you and consumers connect.

How do you find marketing tech that integrates personalization? In our latest guide, A Marketer's Guide to Evaluating Personalization Technology, we’ll help you find it. You’ll learn about:

  • User-centric personalization and why it’s always omnichannel
  • The build vs. bolt-on dilemma, and the inherent challenges of each
  • Connected solutions and what they look like
  • Considerations for CEOs, CMOs and CTOs
  • Questions you should be asking your personalization vendor

Ready to learn how personalization can better your marketing campaigns and grow your relationships? Download this guide now.